Thread: Pokemon GO
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Default   #2064   RedRum RedRum is offline
Haunted AND the thing that haunts you!
I concur that gaining a new understanding of how to evaluate a Pokemon's stats does cause a feeling of let down towards one's older Pokemon who have sentimental value.

I have a Radicate that I value because it's the first Pokemon I ever caught but now that I've started using Poke Genie to see IVs, he's been revealed as horrible for battle. I still have him. I won't transfer him despite but it's still a disappointment.

I'm also evolving a new Umbreon and Espeon because my originals also have low IVs and shit was it difficult finding a female Eevee because I want my Espeon female.
I have to wait to evolve it though because I believe evolving an Espeon is a research task in my future.
Question: Would it count if I did it using the nickname cheat?
~ Red Rum She Said
Old Posted 11-22-2018, 08:56 PM Reply With Quote