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mdom -
You continue on! Another path appears. There is evennnn more crying and moaning and now some groans. Do you. . .

Go forward again? Turn Left? Go back?

Mekatra -
You enter the maze! Do you. . .

Go left? Go Right?

XoGizmooX -
You enter the cornmaze, only one cob pops, the rest remain the same. Do you. . .

Go right? Go left?

Veshora -
You only have to dodge one lone kernel as you enter the maze. Do you. . .

Go left? Go right?

You go left! You walk up a path for a bit, trip over a root, the usual. The path turns to the right and you get some new options. . .

Do you keep going straight? Take the new left path? Go back?

You go right! You walk for a way and then the path turns to the left, you continue on for a spell and then go left.A few options become available to you. It sounds like there are people crying and moaning in every direction.

Do you:
Keep going forward? Go right? Go back?

Old Posted 10-24-2018, 06:54 PM