Thread: The Daily Awful
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Default   #428   Stabbsworth Stabbsworth is offline
Didn't happen today, but last year, my older brother forgot my birthday and I just remembered that.

I've also been tired since I went over there. Been feeling burnt out.

Additionally, my laptop charger is making a sort of high pitched whine, which either means that it's fine or it might be close to giving up, depending on who I ask. And because two friends have completely different views on that, I'm just. Not certain. I might be able to pay my dad off for a new one and test that out, see if the same whine happens, but those chargers cost around 40 bucks a pop. The original one that came with the laptop isn't repairable and had an exposed wire from wear and tear after around two years?

Plus I still can't bring myself to work on that desktop buddy. Aaaaaagh.

EDIT 1: found out that an old friend of mine used to beat up his sister. so, mum doesn't want me associating with him because he's also coming along in the halloween thing i've mentioned on the daily awesome. so that's lovely. Apparently I'm also too old to go trick or treating. I only went two, three times? And that's when I was younger, so I can't remember that sort of thing.
can't be a child because i'm sixteen, can't even get a job because i'm sixteen. what the fuck is the point.
Last edited by Stabbsworth; 10-17-2018 at 02:19 PM. Reason: literally the only job i can hold is a cashier position at my dad's shop and if that closes down, lord help me.
Old Posted 10-17-2018, 02:10 PM Reply With Quote