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imanasset imanasset is offline
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*heyyyyy bb just assume that whenever Xander talks to the demons he is also signing*
Xander realized now that no one had understood what he was thinking, which was fair, but it was annoying. He sighed heavily before turning around to face the three other demons. "Yes, perhaps I was getting ahead of myself," Xander chuckled and looked at the floor,"I think I have an idea that will allow you to understand the language and sign without having to put any time and effort into it." Xander approached the demons once again, putting his keys back into his pocket.

"I have the ability to mimic any power that my target possesses. Unfortunately, I do not know many that would be willing to let me mimic their powers; for it is a painful process." Xander's eyebrows furrowed together as he elaborated. "So, that's why it may take a little bit, I'll have to find an angel with telepathic abilities. Which means, that we need to train as quickly as we can."

Nancy looked at the red-haired demon. He looked fucking crazy. Though, she figured that she would eventually be in his place, that is, if she survived that long. "So, if I understand you correctly, we need to kidnap an angel that has telepathy?" Xander translated her question before coughing into his hand.

"Yes, but I'm experienced in this!" Why did he say that? Way to impress a pretty girl. "What I mean is...this isn't my first time around the block. However, it will be for the both of you ladies." He spun to Axle. "Shall we go to the training arena?"

Avani felt the coolness leaving goosebumps on her skin as the ice melted into puddles around her feet. If Katarina could manipulate ice, could she also manipulate water? This could be detrimental to the battle. Her flames could easily be put out by the amount of water surrounding her.

Avani popped her neck before her complexion started to wilt away, revealing charred and burning coals. She was glowing a hot red as the water that she stood in started to boil. A sickening hiss sounded as the bubbling liquid filled the air as hot moisture. Avani's eyes were devoid of anything but burning flame, a smirk riddling her features. "إذن ، ماذا سيكون؟"
Old Posted 09-03-2018, 09:46 PM Reply With Quote