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Default   #52   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Axle smirked, satisfied with Nancy's answer to some degree and he nodded, “Then we'll have to take you in. And I know the best, so you'll know you're in very capable hands.” He stepped from behind the bar, seeing the next bartender coming in late (as usual) and huffing, out of breath (again, as per usual). Despite his being fifteen minutes late, Axle betrayed no look of irritation or anger – he simply walked walked to the doorway, stuck his card in the slot until he heard the audible click of the time stamp hitting paper and rejoined his new hunting group, now free from his shackles of wage slavery. The other bartender, a freckled brunette with a button nose, broad shoulders, and round belly gulped and tossed his head toward Axle:

“Y'ain't mad?”

“Christopher. You're late every time. Am I ever angry?” Axle returned coolly, turning slightly to face his coworker.

“Well, I just figure, ya otta be, right? I mean, your sidework es always done perfectly, ya always show up on time and and and --”

Axle put up one finger and shook his head, “It's fine. If I wanted that problem taken care of, I'd see to it; I assure you.”

The aforenamed Christopher gulped once more, catching the implication. Axle could and would kill him if he wanted to. “However,” Axle said chuckling, “No more than as late as you've been being. I do like to have some time to dedicate to my other occupation.”

Christopher nodded quickly, muttering something about stocking in the back before he ducked to the back of the house.

Olivia caught maybe half of the conversation, only partially able to see Axle's lips, and she looked back to Xander who continued with the communication conversation. You have a way for me to be understood by everyone?

“A week?” Axle asked, cocking an eyebrow, “A week for what? For the first lesson or for all us to know how to sign?”

The conversation was now fast enough that Olivia could only keep up with Xander's less subtle signing and took the moment incomprehension to look at the other member of the party, the girl at the bar. It was true that the tattooed one immediately grabbed her attention (but then whose attention wouldn't be snatched by someone like him?), but the woman seemed to be as new to the game as she was. Must have died recently, just like herself. The Asiatic woman was beautiful and she found herself wondering how she died.

She didn't look like a demon.
Sage was quick to agree, swallowing the spit that had gathered at the back of his throat, staring at Luka wide-eyed. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to beat Luka if that was his ability. If he could get into his mind from anywhere on the battlefield, super speed and sharp teeth weren't likely to help him much – especially if he was frozen in place with the same potency he was just moments before. He didn't get much time to dwell on it before Avani's voice cut through his thoughts. The shitshow was about to begin.

Katarina stepped back, watching to see if her opponent would make the first move. There was no need to assign when to go, and both women knew it. The moment Avani's fists were aflame, she knew the fight had begun, “Ah, deine Fähigkeit ist Feuer, oder? Ich werde dich entsprechend behandeln.“ With that, five icicles appeared in one hand and she threw each in rapid succession toward Avani's face.

[[Avani, however, was no novice. With heat enough to melt icicles, she blasted them, evaporating them before they had a chance to even come close. But ice meant water, a potential sister-ability possessed by the former German, and therefore a potential problem Avani would have to deal with. Avani was now on the offensive, trying to break Katarina before she had a chance to come to grips with the glaring weakness.

The pyromancer was fast, and Katarina was on the defensive, building walls of ice only to have them melted, patches of skin becoming charred, ends of her golden hair singed. Katarina changed the game, sending ice to wrap around Avani – most being taken in by hypothermia coupled with an inability to move – but Avani's ability ensured she would not stay encapsuled long, her iced shelling melting into a puddle at her feet.

Katarina's plan was working. Their immediate surroundings, their side of the arena, was now getting wet.]]

[[Hey lovely! Okay, so I started the battle sequence, meaning I had to god mod your character a bit. If you don't like the stuff in brackets feel free to tell me no and I'll happily edit it. Most of the time, I try to do battle sequences in chat so that we can do a back to back to back type action sequence type...fuckin' thing. Shit, words are hard. Anyway, if you don't like it, I'll change it, but I left the rest of the battle up to you! ^^]]
All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

Even insects breathe.

-Rawi Hage, Cockroach
Old Posted 09-02-2018, 02:15 AM Reply With Quote