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Default   #20   TheFabledBiscuit TheFabledBiscuit is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
Anna glanced towards Yoruba's work while Emily spoke, she only hoped the junk there would be more useful to the woman than herself, she had wasted a good portion of supplies trying to experiment herself to no avail. She returned her attention to Emily for the time being who seemed to be affected the hardest from her brothers passing. She flipped through Victors journal a small itch of curiosity filled her when she mentioned the entry.
"Seems like you made a pretty heavy first impression on him... don't think that's ever happened before, he usually just kept to himself, didn't even look twice when a woman gave him attention" Anna avoided eye contact as Emily spoke, nodding solemnly as she continued speaking.
Anna sat silently for a moment in thought she felt bad for the girl in front of her, Victor's death impacted her as well but this was on different terms for the girl seated in front of her.
"I hate to try and force it, but its obvious the meat was caught for the three of you, it'd be a shame if the last thing he did went to waste.. plus you'll need your energy, if we're caught in a bad spot, exhaustion will be the death of you and as much as that seems not to matter, it really does. She returned her attention to Max who seemed as distraught as Emily, the dog didn't even seem to care of Anna anymore, though he'd let out a growl if she approached too closely to his master.
She left the plate next to Emily, feeling as the conversation was well over and finished, the morale in the cabin had gone gloom almost to the point that a person could choke in the uneasiness that rested above their heads. Anna kept herself busy, sharpening blades as well as sorting rations out, eventually even that was becoming a chore. She sighed taking down a bottle of liquor and downed several shots as she daydreamed staring out the window towards the city.
Old Posted 06-18-2018, 04:19 AM Reply With Quote