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Default   #24   TheFabledBiscuit TheFabledBiscuit is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
Karla followed after there shifter who seemed to catch on to the human's scent as quickly as she had hoped, she couldn't help but feel nervous watching the trail of blood as it grew heavier the further they had gone. "Hopefully its not too late... We need to hurry." She felt the words were wasted as the wolf had picked its pace up, she clung to its fur letting it carry her through the tunnels instead.
The air grew stagnant as they traveled further beneath ground, they were far beyond the normal rooms and chambers of Maguscore HQ, curiosity peaked as they passed strange rooms littered in dozens of old tomes the woman made a mental note to report these to her superiors as well when this was all done and well. It seemed the organization was indeed up to something behind their backs.
She let out a sigh of relief as the wolf had closed the gap between the human and them, even after getting a closer look he was injured badly, though it was better than being consumed by the spirits never to be seen again.
"Grab the human and get out immediately. Got it? This is no time to be a hero or whatever it is you got in mind." She could sense the spirits watching them, avoiding advancing as they approached Ryan.
"Are you real? you gotta get outta here, there are dangerous spirits here you don't understand! Leave me here and go!"
Karla shook her head, she lept gently off the wolfs back, bouncing in her few first steps flicking the human in the forehead, a surge of magic escaped her fingertips knocking him unconscious immediately. "He'll be fine, now lets get out of here Wolf." She could spot the witch ghosts glaring at her through the darkness, obviously not happy that she had taken their prey away, she smirked confidently at them daring at them to take him from them.
"You may have ruined our fun tonight, but soon this city will fall into chaos, our master will come after you bloodmage, your magic already taints his halls." The trio of spirits laughed, their voices echoing in the halls. "You can get away now but once he has a trace of your magic you are as good as dead.. You're nothing but a fly in comparison to him." the ghost witch seemed to relish seeing the pair escape with Ryan. Karla ignored their words instead concentrating on exiting the building, the spirits were far too intelligent in compared to normal ghost witch, something was terribly wrong here.
Old Posted 06-18-2018, 12:25 AM Reply With Quote