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Default   #22   TheFabledBiscuit TheFabledBiscuit is offline
Addicted to Trisphee
Karla gritted her teeth, glaring at the wolf who took chase of her. "It's none of your business werewolf, so just turn back now before you end up getting yourself hurt, the building has a spectral problem and I'm afraid your brute strength is going to get us nowhere."
The sensation from the ethereal magic sent a chill up Karla's spine as well, the spirits there had cast some sort of curse upon the building it felt, and ominous feeling spread through her gut as she eyed the already cracked doors of the building.
She turned to the wolf to answer his questions which she had blatantly ignored until then. "I don't know who the exorcist is, and to be honest I don't want you anywhere near here but the feeling I'm getting suggests we need to move fast if we're going to rescue whoever is inside. I make rules, got it? You do not leave my side for ANY reason at all, unless you would like to be killed by the spirits wandering here. If we have any chance at finding the human before he's killed I suggest you lead the way and find his scent quickly. I'll make sure nothing happens to you along the way. Got it?" Karla unbuttoned the top of Oliver's shirt, drawing a small symbol on his body, muttering something softly she pointed towards the door allowing the werewolf to take point. She shuddered as the overwhelming coldness came over them fast, the air was dry but the heaviness in it was almost unbearable even for her. "What... in the hell is going on here... how can a couple of Skadegamutc cause this.." she followed Oliver closely becoming a little unnerved herself, something she was not used to. The building seemed large, much larger on the inside than the exterior would lead a person to believe, the beams groaned as they passed underneath them, threatening to collapse at any given moment. "Well wolfboy, any scent of the human? We need to find him and get out." She gazed at their surroundings, it was entirely too quiet at the moment, and she was no exorcist, her magic would only protect them for so long before the witch ghosts could break her barrier.
Ryan wandered in a lower passage, he gasped for air feeling dizzy from the loss of blood. He wasn't entirely sure where he was any longer, coming across a false wall, and entered what seemed to be a secret passageway leading down, the flooring had disappeared just leaving him wandering on an old dirt path as he moved further beneath the Earth. He winced once he heard the voices calling out to him.
"There's no escape from usss... just give up, there's no point in running any longer, we'll make it quick if you come to us instead." The voice seemed to pass to another hallway further behind him, Ryan sighed in relief, the ghost witch seemed to have lost sight of him for now.
"Now where the fuck am I? How did you get yourself into this mess Ryan, I really wish I were just back at the bar having a drink." He shook his head, letting his imagination of booze and safety melt away. If he never had a job after tonight that would be fine, as long as he could make it away with his life, wandering around with only one eye was hindering enough however in the tunnels.
As the human wandered further into the tunnels a heavy gust of wind rushed through him from behind knocking him off his feet and through another lower passage, the wood cracked and gave way to the mans weight sending him tumbling down into a dark stone tunnel, he was even farther from finding an exit from this place, however the passageway he found himself in now seemed maintained and clean, candles lit the passage as he quietly made his way to a large open chamber.
"We found you."
Ryan felt a chill cover his spine as he heard the voice from behind him, he closed his eyes awaiting for death to overtake him regretting his decision of taking up this job.

Old Posted 06-17-2018, 07:13 AM Reply With Quote