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Addicted to Trisphee
Anna returned back tossing a bag of potato chips at the fuming woman and another towards Emily. She nibbled on a piece broken piece of chocolate glaring slightly at the woman. She pulled out the gun she had threatened Victor with and pointed it straight at Yoruba pulling the trigger several times in the blink of an eye. Click, click, click "I never had the means to kill him or any of you, only planned to ever hate him if everything that happened was as fucked up as it seemed at the time. I figured if he believed it was loaded and that I was as vengeful as it seemed he would give the information to me instead of being his dismissive self."
She turned to a bookshelf pulling out a few blank notebooks in case they were needed while speaking towards Yoruba. "And what if the stuff there doesn't do a damned thing to help? What if the house was already looted. or that his weird hobby was just that. A hobby of collecting stories that contribute nothing to what we're dealing with now! You'd as quickly turn the blame on him for endangering your party by setting out on a wild goose chase that he initiated? Its better to keep secrets to yourself if you feel like a person you're traveling with could be a liability. Since he did like her I'd just assume he felt it was you in this case."
Anna kept her cool , in fact she wasn't nearly as flustered as Yoruba had been with her remarks her blunt attitude and logical reasoning from knowing Victor had obviously offended the other party however.
"I will agree however, that Victor was never the person to make decisions and constantly made poor choices when I knew him. That goes without saying. The most important thing now is that he possibly did fuck up, and its possible that his belongings at home could help solve a lot of problems that people are facing now. So now we make a decision of when do you want to push through the cursed city?"
She glanced out the window back towards Denver, the sun was barely setting now flooding the room in orange hue. A bead of sweat dripped down her face in anticipation of the journey ahead.
She pulled out the map from Victors bag that laid next to Emily and circled Seattle writing an address in bright red ink.
"That's the address where you'll find the items of interest. If you want to go without me that's fine but I do know the area better, we could be in and out without attracting anything once we reach the suburbs."
Old Posted 06-09-2018, 07:50 PM Reply With Quote