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PurpleBox PurpleBox is offline
Ho! Miscreant!
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Ian hummed again and thought about it… it would be a good trade...Ian wanted a better life for Tristan then what he had… and he wanted his brother to be able to be schooled without being put into a military school where they basically turned the kids against the average civilian…. “That sounds like a good trade...I’m not around a lot to teach him what I know…” Ian said with a shrug as he finished up his canned food, carefully dulling the sharp edges on the can before placing it back into his backpack and settled in for the night.


When he’d bolted up he’d reached for his small pistol that he kept under his head, he didn't move his hand from the weapon and it stayed tucked under his backpack. “Nightmares….” Was all Ian managed to get out, his voice thick and heavy with his accent. Running his free hand through his sweaty ginger locks he sighed.

“What time is it?” while his voice was rough and dry it was still quite enough that it wouldn't attract attention form outside this little room. There was some light streaming in from under the barricaded door, so that indicated that it was early morning at least. Ian stretched his arms over his head, there wasn't enough room up here for him to do his morning stretching but he would still try his best to work on some of them before they moved out.

Once he packed all his stuff up Ian began to stretch as best he could , touching his toes and limbering up his arms and legs for a day of walking and possibly fighting. “There’s a safe here for your microscope thing to be kept safe in I changed the combination form what ti first was when i found this place…” Ian tapped his forearm where a bunch of Tattoos where and among them were a set of numbers, the day, month and ‘year’ that his baby brother had been born, a very important date to Ian… his mother's date of death was tattooed on his lower leg...another important date but since his living sibling was his life it was the most important.

“We should probably head out soon… want to be back in the city before check in happen.” The ginger man suggested and soon the pair of men were packed up and leaving the run down shop, Ian grabbing one of the left over shirts,it was a big size but he needed to find something for his brothers birthday… he could watch this and put a few of the apples from the tree near their exit from the city as a present.

Tristan always said he didn't need to get him anything… that Ian just needed to come home safe… Ian always tried at at least get his brother the fresh apples every year since moving to this city and he found that tree.

When they approached the road where the bare trap had been hidden Ian stopped, the long grass it was hidden in was moving and Ian heard a groan of pain… a human groan of pain… there was no other movement and Ian’s mind was working quickly he held his rifle tight to his shoulder as they approached….it was the slightly crazed man from yesterday, he’d tried to follow them and had gotten his foot caught in the trap. He was extremely pale and there was a puddle of blood under his wounded leg.

Ian glared at the man. “Knew I shoulda just shot ‘im in da head.” Ian said with a rumble when they approached, the man stopped his squirming and his wide eyes looked at them.

“Y-y-yo-you t-two! I knew you were after Mavik’s stuff, why else would ya go down into those damn spore filled tunnels!?” The man shouted, birds flew away and Ian winced, leveling his aim to the mans head. Mavrik had stuff hidden in the tunnels? What the man insane… oh wait… yes he was.

“Keep your voice down eejit.” Ian growled softly. Green eyes darting around to make sure nothing was running towards them at the man loud voice. Ian always did a good job of clearing his routes… but you never known when someone would try to leave on their own and get turned...add to the horde that the runners could become.

“YOU SET THIS TRAP YOU GINGER FUCKING BIT-” at this Ian just hit the man with the butt of his rifle to quiet him and glared down at him.

“Learn the lay of the land better you wanker.” Ian spat on the ground, it was clear he wasn’t going to help the man as he moved to pass the wounded man trapped in the bare trap that Ian had NOT lain out, he had found it there and always carefully moved it each time, like a repurposed trap… or protection...
Old Posted 06-04-2018, 11:42 PM Reply With Quote