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Default   #8   Patcharhoo Patcharhoo is offline
Zombie Platypus
"Liam She'd instantly repeat to herself so she could hopefully remember it. Leona had always struggled with being able to remember the smallest of details. She hardly remembered when her own birthday was or anyone else's for that matter, let alone names. She would have to speak to so many people so often that her brain just shut out people and started to replace their names with objects or animals to make it easier on her. It seems as time went on she just stopped caring at all about storing anything too personal about people in her brain.

Though when he spoke lowly of his parents a part of her wanted to tell him not to be so rude to his parents but that would have been extremely hypocritical of her. She was going to ask him about it, but instead he mentioned he was a vampire being chased by Hellsing. She'd tilt her head back and forth twice like a small confused puppy, her expression was extremely puzzled. Liam was so serous, clearly he wasn't joking.. Or was he... She really couldn't tell, but the man was acting as though this was truly an important person and he was so much so a vampire that he did not need money, but her blood.

Mishap..? She'd mutter back at him, clearly struggling to fully understand the vampire bit. It was like Liam could see the cogs turning inside of her head as she'd just stare at him. Leona would finally stand up, now feeling the slight pain of the wound of her arm as she leaned out it. She'd just slightly whence at the pain before pulling her arm up to look at it. " Vampires are real? Are they stronger then normal people? Are there a lot of vampires? How much blood does a vampire need and how often? Did someone else turn you or were you just born like this? Why would Hellsign want you? Does he just hunt vampires? Are vampire hunters a real thing too? How common are they?" The questions would escape her mouth in an uncontrollably quick fashion. She couldn't help herself at all, but she finally did realize how many questions she asked and would close her jaw tightly, blushing slightly at how embarrassing it was for her to be acting so childish.. was she wrong to be so confused?

After a very short moment she'd fully lift her arm up to him, allowing him to.. to... Drink? Eat? Nourish on her blood, It was somewhat more or less her wanting to know if someone could actually crave blood or what it would be like to have him drain her of blood
Old Posted 03-07-2018, 11:09 PM Reply With Quote