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sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Default Tales of Mediocrity [m, probably]   #1  
Hey all,

So I decided to start a little section where I can throw up my writings. I don't really do poetry, like at all, so what you'll all be getting instead (provided you have the patience to stick around) will be whatever the heck I feel like writing including but not limited to added backstory to ocs present in some of the ongoing rps, writing prompt stuff, or just...journal-esque entries. Swear words and other unmentionables are also distinct possibilities, so I'm preemptively gonna slap an [M] in the title. So, uh, there you have it.

All that is empty in the drawing should be filled in, the teacher said to us kids. First you sharpen the pencil to fill in the thin whiskers, then you use the thick crayon to fill in the wings with brown, meticulously and without letting the crayon leave the page. Six feet can be traced below the soft belly. Now, breathing is hard to detect on paper, the teacher said to me when I asked, but it is easier to feel it in real life.

Even insects breathe.

-Rawi Hage, Cockroach
Last edited by sylvanSpider; 03-10-2018 at 08:35 PM.
Old Posted 02-25-2018, 02:53 AM Reply With Quote