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Default   #8   sylvanSpider sylvanSpider is offline
Weaver of Webs
Theaffa struggled a little with the last stake, the sound of wood leaving flesh unsettling in her ears. When she felt strong arms about her midriff, she had only enough time to gasp before they were airborne and just a second longer to process what he'd said, immediately latching on, eyes wide as she saw the ground get further and further away; their captors seeming to shrink the further they got. “We're...we're flying! This is amazing!”

The halfling's excitement was cut short as several arrows whizzed past their heads, a narrow miss on a couple, and then a direct hit to her savior, and then another one. She could feel her stomach lift as they dropped a few feet, a meter by the looks of it, but her winged savior stayed strong until they were far enough away that they wouldn't be able to catch them. Not with the aid of the night on the side of Skrix and the halfling.

They landed with a bit of struggling, the halfling stumbling a moment before catching her footing, and finally, feet on firm ground she was able to see just how bad the damage was to her companion. Her brow furrowed as she coaxed him to a sitting position, “ isn't. Sadly, I am no mage; but, I did pick up a bit of knowledge in my travels. First thing's first though, I'm going to have to remove more things from your flesh...There's ah...a good chance that those arrows may be poisoned.” She sat back on her haunches, lifting up the leg of her trousers to reveal a sort of hidden pouch. “They took my weapons, but I still have a bit of herbs. I can help, but if we can get you to a medic at some point...Well, that would be ideal.”
Old Posted 01-11-2018, 07:46 PM Reply With Quote