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Two Fish
Tennan smiled, pleased. "I say, what're we waiting for! Let's get to it!" She chuckled, pushing towards the Gunslinger arena. Now with two others on her side, she was more likely to at least find the target. With all of them on the ship together, she just needed to plan a perfect escape. This was the exact sort of challenge that kept her going.


The arena was pulsing with intense energy, the last two shooters being Valya and Ino. Ino had his eyes rotating around the arena, trying to no avail to pinpoint Marco. He wondered if he should throw the game then. Valya was up first and made a full sweep, though one of the hits was imperfect. It would be easy to lose to her, even though Ino could probably win.

Quash found his way worming into the wood work of a ship, following the scent of shellfish buried in the hull of the ship. He found his way into the kitchen area and dove into a bucket of mussels, his tongue opening and emptying the shells with ease. In just a few minutes he'd downed an entire bucket, licking his choppers with a big, sedated grin.


Shenxin and his squad would spread out in a twenty mile radius, each one taking designated posts. They were all close enough to respond to any trouble. He tapped the terminal exit screen on his wrist hologram. His other team members slowly fading into the horizon as he found his post.

Ilani was haphazardly parked in a graveyard gas station. She dug her own tube into the fuel line to attempt to fill up her beat up cruiser. It was a bright yellow disk wrapped in the remnants of a fuel pump that she'd crashed into during her landing. Whistling, she danced the tube into her cruiser's engine. Her face and clothes were smeared in black sludge, but she had no concern.

The only thing that broke her from her fantasy bubble, were the war cries of Yingya. She continued to whistle and dance however, knowing that once her cruiser was filled up she could make a slick exit.
Old Posted 01-08-2018, 07:45 PM Reply With Quote