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SUBJECT: Re: Mark II Robot Masters
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: June 8, 20XX
FORMAT: Plain Text

Five of the seven experimental setups have been run to completion, as well as the control setup. The remaining two experiments should reach completion within the next week.

At this point it is inevitable that Light Labs will locate this laboratory. Accommodations for evacuation and relocation have already been made. However, a second encounter with DLN-001 could provide further useful information. The genetic algorithms have continued to evolve for another month since the start of the experiment, and the feedback from the experiment results has been fed into the process. It's too bad that green and red will have had less time to incorporate the additional data. There are already additional chassis ready for deployment in the warehouse.

If I'm lucky, the additional training for the AI will actually be able to defeat DLN-001. This will, of course, interfere with further data collection, but it will relieve a point of resistance for my future plans.

SUBJECT: Security Footage - Robot Warehouse
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: July 2, 20XX
FORMAT: Holovid + Telemetry with attachments

The access door slams shut behind Mega Man, and the large vapor lamps installed in the ceiling slowly begin to turn on in response to the movement. A large, looming shape starts to emerge from the darkness as the lights warm up.

"Guts Man...?" Mega Man frowns at his younger brother's face. "Did Wily make more of you?"

Then the Guts Dozer pulls out from its crate as the lights finish turning on, revealing the massive treaded machine bearing the visage of DLN-004. Each of the gigantic robot's fists are bigger than Mega Man's whole body.

Mega Man takes half a step backwards. "Oh no."

Then the Guts Dozer goes on the offensive, opening a hatch in its chest to deploy two Mettools -- small worker robots built into durable ceramic titanium helmets -- and begins to lob compressed energy cannonballs from a launcher in its mouth. The Mettools jump around the area, forcing Mega Man on the defensive.

He carefully dodges around the cannonballs and the attacking robots, firing off shots from his Mega Buster to try to wear down the huge machine, but the Guts Dozer's thick armor plating deflects the shots harmlessly. Experimental shots with the other weapons yield the same result, and meanwhile the room is getting more crowded as the Guts Dozer deploys more Mettools.

Finally, Mega Man lands a meaningful hit with a Quick Boomerang that manages to slip inside the Guts Dozer's mouth; a loud bang tells of a misfire from the cannon hidden inside. Mega Man goes on the offensive, using the Leaf Shield for cover as he pushes past the Mettool swarm and jumps up on the platform on the front of the Guts Dozer.

It tries to retaliate, punching at Mega Man with its massive fists, but the smaller, more agile robot jumps over the attack and lets loose a flurry of Quick Boomerangs into its mouth. From inside the armor, the attacks are able to rapidly break down its weapon systems, and another cannon misfire is enough to force the Guts Dozer to shut down.

Mega Man jumps away before the Guts Dozer's energy core self-destructs, but before he can relax his guard, an alarm starts to wail and doors along the sides of the warehouse all open up, the lights inside turning on one at a time to reveal the silhouettes of yet more Robot Masters.

SUBJECT: Re: Security Footage - Robot Warehouse
AUTHOR: Dr. Albert Wily
DATE: July 2, 20XX

Oh, this is perfect! DLN-001 used the aquifer maintenance hatch to enter the compound, which puts it directly in the warehouse where the spare Robot Masters are housed! I don't even have to deploy them!
Games by Coda (updated 4/15/2024 - New game: Call of Aether)
Art by Coda (updated 8/25/2022 - beatBitten and All-Nighter Simulator)

Mega Man: The Light of Will (Mega Man / Green Lantern crossover: In the lead-up to the events of Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily has discovered emotional light technology. How will his creations change how humankind thinks about artificial intelligence? Sadly abandoned. Sufficient Velocity x-post)
Old Posted 12-14-2017, 01:07 PM Reply With Quote