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Default   #4   Worm Worm is offline
Two Fish
The forest was normally calm, but today it seemed quiet. She lifted her head to the sky, saw birds flocking away. Her instincts were peaked. She began running, her movements stealthy and quiet. She leapt for cover beneath the trees, her bow cocked. Then, when she least expected it, a doe came running beneath her. And then another. Moira was shaking, knowing that something big was nearby.

She shifted forward to aim and before she knew it, she was slipping. Her foot didn't catch the branch as she'd hoped. With that misstep, she fell backwards from the branch and had to catch herself. Alas, all that she could grasp was the hard forest floor. She fell onto her ankle, it snapped under her weight. She let out a groan, looking at her basket spilling berries out onto the floor. She cringed, trying to get back onto her foot but any pressure shot arrows of pain up her spine. In the corner of her eye, she could swear she saw another elf.
Old Posted 11-20-2017, 01:19 AM Reply With Quote