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Default Life in Equestria [PurpleBox+Crystal]   #1  
This is a private rp between myself and Crystalkitsune85.
Enjoy ^w^

Cyclone Kick was more then happy to help his friends and their families. The tan stallion with a lilac and purple colored mane had received a letter from his best friend asking him to help her younger cousin with carting supplies from the Celestial Valley to Canterlot. Apparently Frost Singer, his friends younger cousin was moving her base of operations from the valley and closer to Canterlot where a lot of her supplies were bought.

That and Frost was blind, you wouldn't know just by looking at her, her dark blue eyes hid her lack of sight rater well, it also didn’t hurt that she was a unicorn and often used her magic to alert her if something was in her way.

“Thank you again Cyclone, you didn’t have to help me, but I’m happy you did.” The blind mare smiled at the stallion who smiled back and gently knocked his elbow into her side.

“DD would have my wings if I let you make this trip alone, you know how she gets. Besides there’s a package I need to pick up in Canterlot anyway so it’s a win-win.” Cyclone ‘s ear’s twitched, the piercings he had glittered in the light. On his back he carried a variety of bags, boxes and rolled fabrics.

The blind mare rolled her eyes, they had left the Canterlot train station a few minutes ago, Frost had a map floating in front of her before the map moved to be in front of Cyclones face. A Blue circle on the map showed where Frost was moving to, and so the pair set off. It didn’t take long to find the shop with an apartment space above it, the shop was empty, soon it would be full of the unique sculptures that Frost created.

Pulling the key out of her saddle bag Frost opened the doors and the two went inside. The shop portion was small, big enough that Frost could set up her works with no two the same even close together. There was a door in the back that lead up into the apartment space, this was where Cyclone Kick slid the things he’d been carrying off his back, his wings stretched off his sides and up towards the ceiling.

“Go and get your package Cyclone, I’ll be fine here for now, Singer’s Sculptures isn’t opening for another week. Lot’s of time for me to get used to my new home.” Frost smiled at Cyclone who made a hum of approval.

Before he left he said. “Don’t be shy if you need help, DD and I are just a letter away.” He ruffled the mare's mane and she frowned but then smiled as she fixed her mane.

“I’ll be fine… I lived by myself before in the valley… it’s just the noise I’ll have to get used to...The realtor pony said that the shop next door is a jewelry shop or something… at least I’ll be living next to another artist of sorts. Now go, off with you.” He waved her hoof at him as he laughed and left her along.

Once outside Cyclone looked to either side of Frost’s new home and in deed he saw a jewelry shop on one side. “Maybe I can grab something for DD’s birthday on my way home.” The stallion said before going to pick up the package at the post office. Cyclone Kick’s own job took him all over the place, lately it had slowed down to delivering packages for old ponies who didn’t want to have to leave their homes to get whatever it was they ordered… so he was partnered with the post ponies in a way.

The package was large and he prepared himself for a hard run, the destination was a cottage on the outside of Canterlot. Strapping himself into a borrowed cart he set off humming a song to himself.
Frost Singer had always disliked it when her parents rearranged the house... bumping into things and getting bruises where a regular thing as a filly. At least now she was just bumping into the boxes she’d packed, the mover’s had brought the rest of her things, the things that could be replaced if they got broken. Cyclone Kick had carried the irreplaceable things. Little trinkets she was setting on window sills with her magic once she had walked around the simple apartment. A single main space with a bathroom and a bedroom off to the side.

Her family had always been concerned of her living on her own, being blind and all, she had gotten used to ponies pitying her… they thought she saw no beauty in the world, but the opposite was true. Frost way the world through different eyes, her magic let her see a echo of things… though this wasn't her talent.

With a small grunt of pain as she walked sideways into her new bedroom wall trying to set up the bed she sighed. “Ok… time for a break...I wonder if that was a cafe we passed a block back.” She said to herself as she fixed her saddle bag back onto herself. She’d learn her way about… maybe she’d also check out her neighbours shop. With those thoughts in her mind Frost Singer locked her shop door and turned to face Canterlot.
Old Posted 11-16-2017, 10:51 PM Reply With Quote