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Default   #46   Suzerain of Sheol Suzerain of Sheol is offline
Desolation Denizen
The soldier draws a deep breath. "While I may not always agree with her methods, I will not accept that there is a sharper, cannier woman in Archon than Iron Marl. I submit to her leadership of... whatever it is that we are."

The old woman sighs heavily from across the room. "We're wasting time on this, it's nearly dusk. If we're going to strike, it has to be soon. Let's decide who's doing what." She eyes them each in turn. "I know best what we need, so I'll be spear-heading, we need a look-out and muscle to carry the haul back here."

"I'll be taking Sicarius on an evening jaunt around the village,"
Ulysses confirms. "Suspiciously close to the blacksmith's home. If any unexpected surprises head our way, I'll do what I can do ward them off."

"Maybe I'll take a look through Lanius' stuff while we're there, see if I can't dig up some dirt." Horace is desperately attempting to contribute.
Cold silence has a tendency
to atrophy any sense of compassion
between supposed lovers.
Between supposed brothers.
Old Posted 11-02-2017, 03:19 AM Reply With Quote