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Default   #38   Tiva Tiva is offline
Lynx Rufus
Serra Mdom is not Under the Mask as 1, Nor Den as 2, Death isn't 3 (If he is there at all). But Pessimisticat is 5! And XoGizmooX is 4!! So you have unmasked two of our villains!

Sternum 4 has already been unmasked as XoGizmooX (Good guess though just didn't get to it first)

Death… you are playing a dangerous game….. 1 is not Gizmo (as they have been unmasked), 2 is not Satan, 3 is also not Den, and as 4 and 5 have been unmasked can not be guessed.
Old Posted 10-23-2017, 10:23 AM