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Default   #16   Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
I thought I saw something about this on my facebook but didn't really look. As far as I knew, Diatomaceous Earth is for pest control, and not something you want around smaller animals because it can affect their respiratory system (it would have to be a very small animal but still...). My understanding was that it plugged up pores and such in insects and what not, starving them of oxygen or something. However it actually works, I'm not sure it's something I would ever use in a diet.

I have a slew of health problems though, so I'm careful about anything I try, because I don't have a normally functioning system and I take pills that like to argue with me. No grapefruit (Grapefruit diet) or St. John's Wort (sometimes kidney remedy) or echinachea (cold remedies) to start.

As to the intestinal scrubbing thing, isn't that what seeds and fiber already do?

I'm not opposed to home remedies and there are a couple that I actually use but some of them can really be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing, and anecdotes aren't solid evidence.

On the doctors and home remedies thing, I've encountered this a few times, but doctors and nurses can't medically recommend anything that isn't an approved treatment. At least it's this way in Canada as far as I know. A doctor can be fine with certain remedies, but they can't officially prescribe them if there hasn't been testing and such done and the process approved. This might in part be because of government paid health care. Since the government is footing the bill for a lot of this, it wants to know that the prescribed treatments are effective. There are homeopaths, naturopaths, etc. around that you can see, but at your own dollar.
Last edited by Quiet Man Cometh; 07-31-2017 at 11:35 PM.
Old Posted 07-31-2017, 11:33 PM Reply With Quote