Thread: Earthquake!
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Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
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I've been through a couple little ones. Since I grew up on the Pacific coast I've had earthquake procedures drilled into my head since kindergarden.

The reason for not standing in a door frame is the potential for being injured by the swinging door, since it can move. Standard drill procedure was to take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, use one hand to hold onto it by a leg or something (because they can move), and put your other arm behind your head over your neck. When the shaking stops, count at least one minute (maybe two) to see if there are any aftershocks following. Then bolt for a big open space. Keep shoes by your bed for that purpose.

I haven't encountered anything more than rumbling and shaking furniture, myself. When I was living towards the interior, we had one quake that felt like a giant had punched the house, just one big *THUD* and my stepsister yelling WHAT THE %@*# WAS THAT!?" Apparently those were from the oil and gas activity in the area. Take enough stuff out of the ground and the gaps left behind would occasionally collapse as the Earth settled again.
Old Posted 07-10-2017, 10:21 PM Reply With Quote