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Default   #80   SparX SparX is offline
Driving alone has been really hard lately.
My head just keeps telling me "Just drive faster, just don't turn the wheel, just go over the edge so you wont endanger anyone else. . . ." It is filled with images of me laying there crumpled, yet feeling fulfilled as I am broken and fading. If I did it at night, no one would find me until it was to late, and I could make sure there would be no saving of me. . . .
but why do I feel like this?
I know I don't have as many reasons to be depressed as others who deserve to, and I thought I had been doing good the past few months. . . . I find no logical reason for me to feel this way, and usually knowing that is enough to shake my own feelings but lately some things are just getting harder then they should be. .. .

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Currently Questing For: Lil Spoops,Puppet Master, Toamna lantern, Cyber Reaper,Braen's Jacket
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Old Posted 05-12-2017, 06:48 PM Reply With Quote