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Suzerain of Sheol Suzerain of Sheol is offline
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Originally Posted by Quiet Man Cometh View Post
Other people know better than me,
That's a strange way of spelling my name....

That is correct, though, Bal-Sagoth is what happens when fantasy bands take themselves much too seriously; they end up becoming unintentionally hilarious, whilst parody bands like Gloryhammer wear it on their sleeves. You're laughing with them, rather than at them. (I mean, I like Bal-Sagoth, but when you have song titles like "Behold, the Armies of War Descend Screaming from the Heavens!" or "Six-Score and Ten Oblations to a Malefic Avatar", you might expect a few giggles here and there. They're not power metal, though, symphonic black, I believe.)

And there are other pirate metal bands, I've never listened to them though. It seems to follow moreso the lyrical content than the style of music, sort of like viking metal that way.

Anyway, I too can suggest music!

While I enjoy energetic metal quite a bit, when it comes to what I really consider my favorite material is on the more depressive, melancholy, and introspective kind. See:

My Dying Bride
Or, if for some strange reason anyone besides me would like nihilist cowboy punk, Swans

I also have a weakness for, oh what is the genre... atmospheric black/folk metal? Like...

Caladan Brood
or the sublime wonder that is Eldamar

Speaking of folk metal, Eluveitie is pretty great. As is Gravedigger

I mentioned viking metal earlier, Amon Amarth is about as good as it gets.

...I think that's probably enough for now. If you don't like death growls, you can probably write off most of those. :P

Oh, actually I just thought of one more that's pretty unique. Van Canto are an a capella metal band who mostly do covers of other famous metal songs. They have a really interesting sound and some great singers, if you can stand vocalized guitar noises.
Cold silence has a tendency
to atrophy any sense of compassion
between supposed lovers.
Between supposed brothers.
Old Posted 03-26-2017, 06:38 PM Reply With Quote