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Default   #4   SparX SparX is offline
So I ADORE body mods in general.
I have had 19 piercings in total, including redos, but only currently have my ears stretched and a lip piercing.
As for tattoos, I have a total of 8 right now if you include my tiny first home tattoo.
My largest is one that goes from right above my bikini line, through my bellybutton, goes under my ribs and between my breasts. Then I have lyrics on top of that piece on my collarbone (separate tattoo)

My current tattoo dream is to get all my joints tattooed to be like a ball-jointed doll. <3
Most of my tattoos are music related. 2 are symbolic, and 1 is anime related.

{MyAnimeList}{My MAL Graph!}{Read manga? Come here!}

Currently Questing For: Lil Spoops,Puppet Master, Toamna lantern, Cyber Reaper,Braen's Jacket
Have Au and some Runes
Buy runes from me! PM for details!

Old Posted 02-13-2017, 11:01 PM Reply With Quote