Thread: 2016
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Default   #14   Coda Coda is offline
The terrorism stuff would be a legitimate thing to say was worse, because while it's not the WORST year for terrorism on record, it WAS admittedly pretty bad, especially in that it spread to regions that had previously been considered safe.

And some people have had serious struggles in 2016, losing jobs or homes or relationships, and those kinds of personally-relevant sources of pain are completely understandable.

But to be honest, most people I've heard complaining about 2016 around the Internet are talking about celebrity deaths or fears about political stuff that hasn't actually happened yet. Of those that aren't complaining about those subjects, I didn't hear very many people saying how bad 2016 sucked until it had already become a meme.

That's why I want to tell people to reflect on the good things that happened. Life is a lot less unpleasant when you pay attention to the good parts, and even a good life can feel disappointing when you focus on the bad.
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Old Posted 01-05-2017, 12:52 AM Reply With Quote