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Kitarun Kitarun is offline
Double Rainbow
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Groaning lightly, Aleksi left the shop, locking up behind him, when he was suddenly jumped on.

"Hey Lex!" Said the person clinging to his back, a voice he easily recognised as Serra, one of his best friends.

"Serra... And to what do I owe your presence upon my back?" He asked, unwinding the girl's hands from around his neck, making her release him. He turned to face her, smiling a bit when he saw his other best friend, Niko, leaning against the wall, smiling slightly at his girlfriend's antics. They'd been best friends since preschool. They'd gone their separate ways after highschool, but had all drifted back to their hometown eventually, Aleksi being the last, having just come home about a month earlier.

"You promised you'd come for drinks with us..." Serra said, pouting slightly. Aleksi had been promising to go with them since he'd gotten back to town, but he'd always had some excuse not to- unpacking, or work, for the most part.

Sighing, he nodded. "That I did, princess... Do I get a chance to go home and change first, or are you dragging me out like this?"

"Just like that. Knowing you, you'll come up with some excuse once you get home." She said, taking his hand and dragging him along- not a difficult thing to do, since they were nearly the same size. Aleksi had a few inches and pounds on the girl, hitting only 5'10 and 130lbs. Niko, on the other hand, had been their protector through school. 6'2 and just over 180lbs of muscle, he definitely wasn't the guy you wanted to mess with.

"Just give in, Lex. You know how she can be..." Niko said, smirking a bit, following his best friend and girlfriend down the street to some little bar they hadn't been to since right before leaving for college... Aleksi had still been eighteen at the time, and had gotten them all kicked out, but they'd had fun.
Last edited by Kitarun; 01-03-2017 at 09:32 AM.
Old Posted 01-03-2017, 09:28 AM Reply With Quote