Thread: Lilith's quest
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SparX SparX is offline
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(that it did cinnamonbon<3 It was an accident I swear I just started questing and all of a sudden we were off on an adventure XD)

-Looks around intriguingly at the statues, passing a hand over the skin flaps-
Like stone, yet with all the intricate details of flesh.... OOOOHH ROBES!
-excitedly rushes over to the robes-
This design is incredibly well done. did you stitch them yourself?
-Starts to put the robe on, but stops mid-way-
Nooooo.... I want the other one.
-tosses it haphazardly back on the bench and puts on the other one-

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Currently Questing For: Lil Spoops,Puppet Master, Toamna lantern, Cyber Reaper,Braen's Jacket
Have Au and some Runes
Buy runes from me! PM for details!

Old Posted 10-21-2016, 10:37 AM Reply With Quote