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Default   #24   Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
Definitely not leaving my armour behind again.

“Uhh, yeah.”

Their newest opponent doesn't look as large as the gunman, but definitely angrier.

“Get his attention, would you?”

Syrgei poofs out of sight in another cloud of thin black wisps, leaving Tsaerri now in full line of sight with the man who just tried to skewer her.

Being able to teleport like the mesmer would be a handy trick, but Syrgei must rely on his legs and own speed to get from place to place, unless he were to try stabbing the man.

If he's anything like the last guy, I may as well save the tip on my sword and just yell at him.

Resolving to get something with a bit more of an edge, he scans the room for some sort of substitute – for anything.

A few seconds, passed, a few seconds to go, with Tsaerri yelling what he imagines are all manner of colourful curses at him, he grabs hold of one of the standing candelabras by the doors.

That'll do.
Last edited by Quiet Man Cometh; 07-17-2016 at 06:22 PM.
Old Posted 07-16-2016, 02:32 AM Reply With Quote