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Batty Batty is offline
~!Halloween Queen!~
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Same here. =]

Also, heres a shitfest.
I can't find a better one, as all the forums are pretty much gone.

This ones from... 2008?

English? Who needed it? Glancing harshly over his paper, the top mark clearly read 12%. WHO THE HELL GOT A 12% WHEN THEY WORKED ALL NIGHT ON SOME STUPID PAPER? Frey was pissed off. Not at himself. He was quite proud of his paper. He was pissed at the teacher. Sure, she was a bitch. At least Frey thought so. But she was probably racist, too. The other were in class had gotten even lower than he did, and he wasn't really interested in finding out what the others had gotten. Someone had suggested going up and talking to the professor. But Frey had things to do, people to see, things to eat. Shaking his head, and running his slender fingers through his spiked brown hair, emerald orbs sunk to the floor.

If he failed, he'd get thrown out. If he got thrown out, he'd have to go back to London. School paid off for at least that much. He was a smart man, but sometimes, he could be really, really stupid. Like staying up all night to finish a paper, when he knew his English teacher was going to fail him anyway. And then an idea struck him: Why not go to the headmaster, and get his opinion? But first, he would need someone else's. Frey would randomly choose a person, preferably female, and then have her read the paper, and tell him what she though about it. If SHE thought it deserved a higher grade, then, he would fight for it.

But not like how he fought the last time for a better grade. No one wanted to see him fully phased, with a hunk of raw meat in his mouth, running around the school. With that, he hadn't proven that he was stronger than the professor, and could rip her to pieces if she didnt change his mark. He just got suspended for awhile. And, almost thrown out of that class. And without that class, there was no way he would be able to graduate. School had always been important to Frey. But to find what he was looking for... no/ WHO he was looking for, he needed to stay in this island. In this school, even more possibly.

So he would walk up to any random, good looking girl, and ask her opinion on his paper. That was the plan, anyway. "Hey, hey you! Can I ask you a question? Or rather, a favor?" He turned on his smile, something that was used regularly, to get his way. It always worked, there wasn't one woman who turned him down when he smiled. And they when they saw his eyes, well, it was always a done deal from there on. Scratching the back of his neck, the man produced his paper. "Mind if you read this, and tell me what grade it really deserves?" It was the only way to fight for it. Plus, he wanted to make some new friends in the process. In the three years he'd been here, he hadn't had one fling. One girlfriend. One one night stand. Nothing.

It was time to change that.
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Mama bat to a beautiful baby bat <3
Old Posted 02-19-2016, 01:57 AM Reply With Quote