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Obsidian Obsidian is offline
Black Mistress of Purple
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I'm not trying to be offensive here, but Salone, you seem to be the only one (other than Coda) who seems to not have issues here and I don't appreciate you criticizing those who are having issues by stating the game is perfectly fine and in other words, denouncing our abilities to play games... I know you've not come out and completely said that word-for-word but that's the aura I'm getting from you upon reading your posts. :(

I haven't played games since I was 4 or 5 like most of you people, but I still love playing games nonetheless. I understand Coda is attempting to make this game computer/laptop and cellphone friendly (and it would seem that the game works perfectly on a cell phone?) but I don't get on avatar websites with a cell phone. I know iPhones and all that are all such the rage but not everyone can afford such a fancy device, so the game should accommodate those who aren't on cell phones. So I'm sure what those who are making bug reports are probably on computer/laptops (am I right, guys?).

I admit this game is addicting, it really is but I'm having difficulty actually playing it. As well as a few other of my friends and they've played platform games longer than I. I'd love to be able to play the game. I'm no pro. I have difficulty playing Zelda. To the point that sometimes I have to ask my brother to help me with one of the boss levels. So it's not as if I'd complain about not being able to beat or defeat something on a game. Something can be fun even if I cannot get passed a point. I've still collected prizes. Hell, I've gotten up to 3 prizes in that game. Which seems to be the point of it. As far as high score, I couldn't care.

With all that taken care of... Coda, you're doing a remarkable job.

I just played it again after all your changes and I like it. I still can't get passed 275 points. :P
But that's just me being inexperienced and hopefully with enough practice, I can get a higher score! Bwaha!
I like the spacebar to start bit. Not sure if you've taken off the double-tap for the spacebar on gravity but so far it's not messed me up as far as attempting to do a regular jump.
So, in conclusion, as it stands, I would play this game more. The speed is good in the beginning and I like how the speed increases. The game isn't easy for me, but I'm also not asking it to be either.
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Old Posted 11-30-2015, 09:26 PM Reply With Quote