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Originally Posted by ml1201 View Post
The two games just seem like slightly different versions of one another, I've never played either though so I have no idea how good I'll be at it. x'D

And thanks for the explanation, if one of the + monster drops is an enhance material used for evolving will it still apply it during the evolution or no?
Some enhance materials are used to power of other monsters with the same Skill.

The red blue green dark yellow ghosts with orbs are evo materials. The smaller ones aren't that hard to obtain and if you have a ton of extra of them sell them. (They don't yield a lot of exp)

The bigger ones with two orbs are rarer and you should keep them because they become very useful for evolutions. (Especialy the mythril ones they are used in over 100 different evolutions.)

The Metal dragons are amazing EXP, and some are used for some fusions. You should just use them to level up your monsters until you need one for any specific evolutions.

The masks are the same like the ghosts, keep them. Same as the big knight guys called Keepers are like the ghosts/masks as well, they are used for evolutions.

Dragon Plants are evolution material, so are dragon flowers. It wise to keep all your dragon plants, but if you need inventory space just fuse them with a green monster they yield a nice amount of exp.

Dragon seeds re used for some evo's, but they are mostly used to evolve dark/light Pengdra's rare penguins that when evolved yield a ton of exp. (They require only 3000 exp or so to fully evolve, and when evolved they give you 45,000 exp.) The fire, wood, and water variants need Dragon Plants which are slightly more rare.

Tri fruit are high end evo material

Twinlit (dark and light) that look like little cat angel/devil are used for high end evolutions. (Keep these things! You will always need one.)

And if you get a Jewel of Fire, Wood, Water, Dark, or Light. KEEP THEM. They are the rarest of all evolution material, and you should never part from one or feed one to another monster.

edit: Oh and ancient Blue/Green masks are quite hard to get early on, so hold on to them if you get them. They are very valuable later on when your just starting to ultimate evolve your monsters.

Evo material:

Old Posted 05-09-2015, 07:53 PM Reply With Quote