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Default   #10   Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
Ebby was shocked. She wasn’t sure what from, precisely; either the man’s dress or his blunt statement.
Mia frowned, but tilted her head slightly to one side. She had no idea who this man was, but if he was who they had, she was prepared to work with him.

"War is no place for women."

She smiled a little. “That is why you’re here.”


The world around him had changed but he seemed not to notice it. He was sitting on a stool, overlooking the city of Florence through a pane of glass and tracing the lines and angles of the rooftops with a black tipped brush. Leonardo looked down at his ink, then back up through the glass where the Florentine skyline had been changed for one entirely alien to him. His drawn lines disappeared, to be replaced by a plane glass window. He blinked, adjusting his gaze a moment before addressing the mage he knew to be standing behind him.

“So what do you expect to acquire with the grail?”
Old Posted 02-06-2015, 01:34 PM Reply With Quote