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Default   #2   Katrine Dmitriev Katrine Dmitriev is offline
Music Extraordinaire

Katrine was so glad to see that Virgil had gotten up on time; usually she had to knock on his door to wake him up. The festival was a wonderful time, and sometimes he had a hard time falling asleep the night before the preparations began.

Virgil turned to her and smiled, "Let's hope that Lesallia is in a good mood this morning, we have a lot of work to do!"
She smiled agreed with him and they began their short trip to Lesallia's shop.

The morning breeze was slightly cool as it brushed across her face, but it only served to energize her more and more. The path was quiet, faint echoes of morning wildlife stirred nearby. Within minutes, they saw the outline of Lesallia's shop on the horizon, and after a few more, they were standing right outside.

They looked up into her window and saw her waving at the two of them; a small wave that would seem impersonal if you didn't know her as well as they did. Katrine and Virgil both smiled and waved back as they beckoned her outside. She slipped out of her shop quietly and joined them out front.

"Good morning, Katrine, Virgil," she said with her usual level of enthusiasm. Katrine couldn't help but giggle - though Lesallia tried to hide it, she was just as excited about Nox as they were, though she'd never outrightly admit it.

"Good morning, Lesallia! So nice of you to join us," Katrine replied as they began making their way to the festival site. "I can't wait to see what fun times this year brings," she exclaimed with a bit too much excitement.

Lesallia couldn't help but let out a small sigh as she smirked at Katrine's enthusiasm. "Between the two of you, there will be more than enough excitement for everyone. Let's get this festival started, shall we?"

With that, they took off to the festival grounds.

Old Posted 11-02-2014, 10:22 PM