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Vincent Vincent is offline
Seeker of Souls
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Well havn't you been ocd like, for a long time or has it just started recently? o.o Ahh. :c Hmm. Well I guess the covering stuff is good. You can ask him to give you hourly updates or something? Not sure if that would annoy him or not. XD

Ah. x.x So for hardcore , rough gamers. :c Sounds painful.
Yeahh me too. :c I like doin things my own style and whatever in games instead of being forced to do specific things or paths or whatever. XD
Ah. x: At least you have fun while you play haha. x3 That's all that matters~

Alrighty~ XD Haha. Dam Holiday vacation huh. What grade is he in~ :3?
Haha. that sucks. Dx You'll get past it. o_o' Maybe it just takes time. :c
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Old Posted 04-23-2014, 03:25 AM Reply With Quote