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Solucet Solucet is offline
Question I don't know what I'm doing here.   #1  
Hello. To be honest, I'm -- struggling with this, the introduction, the... initial portrayal and its... reception, I suppose? I've never seen myself as being gifted with such things, and navigating social structures is always extraordinarily difficult at first. Especially here, for me, but that's not something to concern yourselves with (which begs the question of why I mentioned it in the first place, but at this point I'm writing without necessarily thinking).

This community was (somewhat playfully) recommended to me a long time ago, and I suppose I just recently decided that I could at least -- I don't know, try? Just trying to do something like this is honestly far more difficult than it should be for me, but I suppose your acclimation to social situations doesn't necessarily improve unless you make a conscious effort to be a part of them. (Ironically, I'll probably be fine after writing all of this.)

Of course, now I feel as if I'm writing in some insane loop, probably revealing far more than I intend to (which I suppose happens anytime someone writes anything at all), which of course brings to mind the fact that I'm writing this once again. So much for writing without thinking about it (should I delete all of this now? I don't know).

I've decided not to, at least for the moment. I suppose the least I can do is mention some things that are worth knowing about me, so... I guess that's what I'm doing now (although I can never really decide what to say and what not to).

Well, firstly, I'm somewhat agender, or rather, my gender tends to vacillate (though I'd say I primarily identify with "female" if I had to choose at this point). I'm a poet and short story writer, though I haven't written any short stories for a couple of years now and I only recently wrote one poem which I'm really rather ambivalent about. I'm socially awkward (obviously), tend to be highly opinionated, and have tastes that are probably best described as "pretentious." I'm also somewhat neurotic and certainly obsessive-compulsive about certain things (spelling and grammar among them, which I suppose is useful for a writer).

Beyond that, I don't really know what to say. I mostly wear black and consider Sylvia Plath a personal idol, but I would never call myself a "goth" or anything of the sort -- labels and categorizations like that are fundamentally flawed (if convenient) in my opinion. Now, having said that (and started on that tangent) I feel as though I could start rambling again, which is something I'm very good at doing. Especially if it puts off the inevitable action of actually making this logorrhea public. I suppose that means it's time, then.

(Let's see how long it takes me to actually post this now -- approximately forty-five minutes from when I finished writing this, so I suppose that's not too terrible. If I can actually hit "Submit New Thread," that is. "Preview Post" is much easier. Okay, I'm doing it, and leaving this text here -- I'm not sure why.)
All generalizations are false, including this one.

Old Posted 03-10-2014, 02:29 PM Reply With Quote