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Default   #18   Jurinjo Jurinjo is offline
Poconut Overlord
In response all he got was tears. Great what happen to that insane bravery earlier standing up to him? All Bryn was getting right now was a big baby. It grated his nerves and he let out an audible growl.

"Fine cry you baby. I'll let you get over your dilemma. But don't expect me to help you again if I'm going to get tears again." he sighed like a mother exasperated with her child. Kyriel somehow hit a chord within Xul'Bryn. He pitted the elf and genuinely wanted to help. That however was for the weak. Perhaps given the right motivation this elf would be useful to him. It was highly doubtful at the point but he would not concede he was letting emotion sway him.

"Look you may not get it but I thought there was something about you." Now Bryn was at the stairs looking directly at him. His face still held that dangerous look he was so accustomed to wearing. Only it was softer that usual. The drow really was trying hard to be compassionate to get that weepy flower to finally tell him at least one thing he needed to find him again.

"You got a name?"
Old Posted 09-28-2010, 02:48 AM Reply With Quote