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Default   #30   johnny johnny is offline
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The First Doctor was played by William Hartnell, from 1963 to 1966.

The Doctor with the long scarf was the Fourth Doctor, played by Tom Baker.

Yes, Doctor Who is a good show. xD

As for the Daleks:

I honestly don't understand them, but I'm a New Who fan. They're not scary to me in the least so I don't get why they're always such a threat to the Doctor (other than the fact that getting rid of them is apparently like trying to de-flea your dog, in that there always seems to be a couple survivors that revitalize the whole damn popultion).

They're tin cans with plungers, Doctor. You've got a brain the size of the universe and the power to defy physics. Stop acting like they're worth your time!

(That being said, I realize Daleks are too iconic to ever leave the show.)

Old Posted 09-27-2010, 09:15 PM Reply With Quote