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Default   #38   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Neimi had to admit she was amused a little as Mizuki seemed to try to help even at the mention of a bath. Well least she knew something about him. Or she could gather anyway. Either way she managed to help him with the bath with little to no trouble at all. Much to her surprise she thought for sure she was going to have to fight tooth and nail. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Though he did seem against the idea of being placed in one of the two rooms. Small was a word for this place. Though it had worked for just her and Thalion living here. Even if he never used the second bedroom. She always said he was weird for that but he ignored her all the same. What did he think was going to happen in a room alone? Not like anyone was going to be dumb enough to walk in here and start trouble.

Though after a while she gave up on even trying to talk to him, least something was done today. Though there still remained the fact that Thalion had no idea of their new house-guest. Though it seemed that she had finally run out of time to wait for that to happen as she heard him talking. From the sounds of it to someone in the front end of the shop. Seeing as the main room connected to another building so to speak. She always called it a shop but it was more or less just a small forge. Not like they made gold off of it. Even with constant work.

Shutting the door behind him as he walked in he sighed heavily before pushing away from the door as he walked. "I swear if something else is brought to me broken I might lose it..." Neimi watched as he seemed to not even notice her and Mizuki there. Going about whatever he needed to do before finally getting things set out for whatever they were going to have for dinner.

About the third time crossing the room where Neimi was sitting did he finally stop. Yep he finally noticed, probably too caught up in thoughts before. "What the hell ... " He started before glaring at Neimi who quickly put her hands up. "Direct orders, I was told to look after him and heh.... " Thalion stood there a moment before sighing heavily. "Like I don't have enough problems! Damn humans and their weak hearts...." He hissed out a little seeing as Gregor was a human as well. "It'd save a lot of energy just to kill him and then we wouldn't have to worry about anyone trying to find him. Hell we could even deliver the body to them to save the trouble."

Though he still seemed to go back to what he was doing none the less. Neimi shook her head a little. "Keep ranting like it helps." "Tsk... where exactly were you planning to put him?" Neimi smiled a little seeing as she had won that battle. "The second bedroom. Not like you ever use it you normally pass out on the couch or in the shop." True enough. "and .. was it said how long we were to baby sit the lead general of the Eastern army? Or did Gregor want the other side to come knocking on our door and we can be all like oh yeah we've been taking good care of your leader here he is you can slaughter us now."

She expected he'd go on like this for a while, he'd get over it soon enough. Either way he seemed to fix something to eat, even counting Mizuki into the mix though she would have made him fix something extra if he hadn't of. "Where are you going now?" She questioned as he seemed to leave as soon as things were finished here. "It's called work for a reason, and if we're willingly holding their army lead hostage I'd rather have as much of the gear repaired and mended as possible."

Though with that he was gone again as she sighed a little. "Not sure why I expected him to stick around... " She sighed a little. He'd be back by morning. He normally slept during the day if everyone left him alone. Something he had the hardest time trying to adjust to was the sunlight and he still complained from time to time. "Well hope your not allergic to spices or herbs... it helps kill the lack of flavor in what we do have." Not to say Thalion was a bad cook but their supplies were limited and well the same thing for days on end he had to figure out something to at least make it taste different every once in a while.
Old Posted 03-18-2013, 06:49 PM Reply With Quote