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Default   #14   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
"Hell if I know, the same good that comes from attacking villages that are already run down and out of supplies." He growled a little. This guy was toying with him?! So high and mighty... Oh what he wouldn't give to sock this guy at least once just to knock him off that perch he seemed to be on. He was reminded why he hated other elves. Most of them were so... this! So full of themselves and thinking they were better. Probably why most of them were on the Eastern side of this war.

"Heh... not too curious... you try watching a eleven year old and tell me where it leads you." Though he knew the other had a point, he was a idiot for coming out here alone. He should have run with Neimi though that would have made her a target all the more. Maybe not if this guy had no intention of attacking. Though something told Thalion that he was not that lucky.

He didn't say anything as Mizuki seemed to assume that he had connections to the group that he sought. It was true though Thalion was hardly going to tell him that. Even if the other was trying to kill him it would be information he took to the grave if it came to it. "Tsk... like I'd tell you. You and your forces are a enemy to anyone who tries to make a living against your king's will." Sharp words but true, anyone who went against the king's will was killed if they were lucky. Or branded as traitors or worse. The lucky ones to avoid such fates laid low or joined the rebellion.

Though it seemed like the other was going to attack after all. Thalion knew it was a weaker spell but he wasn't about to give away he was a half decent fighter either. Maybe he could get out of this alive from pity. He hated that thought such a weak thought but he knew better then to test things too far. Well so he thought.

The one that finally managed to land a last against his face causing him to wince and keep that eye closed to keep blood from going into it was what finally broke that collective thinking. As soon as Mizuki seemed to turn and start to walk off was when Thalion really lost it. Combination of thoughts and the fact he couldn't use one eye at the moment. He was ticked. That short temper finally getting the better of him.

There were a few roots that managed to bind his legs and arms for a moment before they seemed to spark and burn finally as the one eye he had open changed in color from the normal golden amber to a dark red. For the moment it seemed Mizuki didn't catch on that he had freed himself and he was going to use that. This was a mistake entirely on his half he was free he should retreat but he wanted just that one shot to prove that this mage could bleed.

Darting forward he quickly grabbed Mizuki's shoulder and spun him just in time for his fist to meet the side of his face. He breathed heavily a little still keeping the one eye closed. "If its so much of a damned waste of time leave! This village has done nothing nor did any of the others." He was getting fed up with the pointless slaughter and that was causing him to train more but it was rare for this side to come through. But it was these skills that he displayed right now that was going to earn him a name in the future.
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 03:38 AM Reply With Quote