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Rainbows and stuff
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Mizuki smiled lightly as the male stepped aside but that was all he got as Mizuki made his escape. After everything that had taken place all he wanted to do was leave this low level kingdom and be on his way.

After the attack on the kingdom and the king fell the city went into hiding or rather what was left of it. From there the years went on and the rebellion formed. A foolish idea that made Mizuki smile to himself. Four years had passed from that moment and Mizuki was currently planning an attack on a village down the way from the new camp base. Though a snag came along in the form of needing supplies.

"I can go and get them" Luna said as she crossed her arms "Yes you could but at the same time I need a break from this place" He said in a growl "If I have to answer another stupid question im going to kill one of my own men" He said with a sigh as he stood and grabbed his staff. Placing the white cloak over his shoulders he turned to Luna "Besides...the village is not far and all I need is some herbs you know" He said as he turned and left.

Mizuki was quite able to handle himself and he knew that. Though something nagged at the back of his mind that this trip was going to be an interesting one. That thought stayed with him as he moved through the trees silent of cloth clad feet. Yes it was a simple task and one he wanted to do himself. The last time he had sent another to get his herbs he regretted it. It was easier just to do it himself.

Almost a full days walk brought him to the village. The sun was still high in the sky but started to dip as the sky turned from a blue to an orange and pink display. Mizuki moved silently to the shop that contained the herbs he needed. Entering it took him a fair amount of time to get what was needed and by the time he left the little shop the sky had the first signs of stars poking through the colors.

Mizuki looked around the village at the people. He noticed the mothers shoeing the childern inside with the stories of the white mage. Telling them if they stayed out to late the mage would catch and eat them. Mizuki almost laughed at that thought. Why on earth would he eat little childern? His name was known in these parts but not as much as his nick name. White mage of silence.

As he watched the shops began to close down he noticed the looks he got from them. It would seem as though he had been noticed. It also seemed to him that all the life had been sucked out of the village. Turning from the shop he left and began his trek back to the camp base. It was going to be a long evening.

Starting through the trees Mizuki stopped and looked about as nothing but black met his eyes. "Hmmm" He hummed as he took his crystal that hung from his neck and took it to his lips. Light words then a brush against the pale pink the crystal began to glow. Giving an eary out line to his face but enough for the hooded head to see Mizuki began to walk again through the trees.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 02:10 AM Reply With Quote