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Default   #8   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
Felix was heavier then he had thought, though to be expected really. He probably out weighed Thalion by a good bit just by the size difference alone. So a bit a ways through the town he had to set Felix to the side to try to get his breath back. Though that was a short lived rest as he noticed something not too far off.

There was a small human child who was clinging to her mother's corpse from the looks of it. Though what he was really noticing was the two soldiers bearing the colors of the other kingdom walking towards the crying child.
"Where are you-" "stay there." Felix sighed from the answer he got catching where Thalion was running off to. That was one thing he had noticed over the years. Thalion couldn't stand to see children who were dragged into all this needless fighting.

It hardly too long to kill the two soldiers off as he breathed out a little before the girl seemed to cling to his leg as someone else started to walk in this direction. The dress screamed mage. That or a spell blade, either way Thalion was hardly skilled enough to deal with either at this point. Plus getting this far ... between fighting and carrying Felix he had to admit he was about beat.

Oddly this one didn't attack. That was unexpected as he was just told to move. He still held the blade he had up just in case, not like it would have helped matters anything. He all but ignored the Drow comment. They had hearts... though being raised away from that corruption from the age of six or seven might have helped a bit.

None the less he knew this one wasn't the same as the rest of the soldiers and that he was hardly going to be a fight if he tried. As much as he hated to step aside from the enemy he wasn't a idiot either. Stepping back as the child cowered behind him still shaking from seeing her own mother cut down before her.

After the mage seemed to walk on his way he went back to Felix the girl still following, hardly being old enough to know anywhere else to go. "Ok come on before anything else happens.. " But he was for damn sure going out a different route then the one that guy just took. What kind of enemy lets the other live no matter how over skilled they were... not that he could honestly complain at the moment. Though no more picking up anyone else, between having to support Felix due to his leg and the girl nearly clinging to him he wanted to scream. He was hardly the type to want anyone this close no matter the situation.
Old Posted 03-17-2013, 01:32 AM Reply With Quote