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Rainbows and stuff
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Mizuki had planned this day for awhile. He had orders from the king on the events about to take place. Currently him and a small group were on their way to the main study to sign the agreement of peace for the kingdoms. With Mizuki he held his right hand Luna then behind them a few solders walked in the kings color.

Brisk foot falls fell silently from his clad feet as he headed to the room with his plan running over and over in his head. Mizuki knew he had one shot at this but that was all he needed.

Reaching the door Luna walked forward and pounded a fist. Stepping back they waited. Then within moments the double wooden doors opened and revieled the contents of the study. The walls were covered in books and tombs to scrolls. In the middle a large table sat with three men sitting there. The king in the middle and two guards to either side. Behind the king stood four men two on either side not to mention the two at stood at the doors. You would almost think the king was a little worried.

"Aww welcome welcome!" The king said standing as Mizuki walked in and the doors closed behind them. "Please sit" The king said and Mizuki fallowed. Sitting down in his chair he kept the smile back as Luna stood behind him and the three men behind her. When this happened Mizuki took note of the men behind the king gripping their swords that rested at the side of each male.

"So lets get this done shall we" The king said and Mizuki nodded. First the king took the treaty and read what was written. After a nod showing Mizuki agreed the king signed his name and placed the royal seal beside it. He then passed it over to Mizuki and took his seat again. This was when Mizuki looked down at the treaty and spoke for the first time since his arrival. "You know my king had a dream..." He said in a calm deep tone "His dream was to be king of all he could see" He said with a little nod.

Raising his head Mizuki gave a smile "You were the last stone in his path..." He said lightly. With a flick of his ears he placed the treaty back on the table. As soon as it was down Luna began her work. Fast and simple and one by one all the men the king brought were down for the count leaving the king sitting in his chair shaking "Okay let me correct that..." He said "You ARE the last thing in his path" Mizuki said standing.

"You see...the east is a class of higher people" He said lightly "And people like you are putting a stain on an otherwise perfect kingdom" He said with a said little frown " is the first step of correcting that" He said with a little smile as he tilted his head "Just think...your dieing for the greater good" With that claws slashed a throat before the male could speak. Mizuki watched as the blood dripped down a throat to cover a silver chest plate.

Mizuki picked up the treaty and looked at it "Never will there be peace" He said in an almost sad tone as he tossed the paper to the table on the kings side and watched as it slowly began to turn red with blood. "Well...we are done here" Mizuki said looking to everyone "Let us go..I wish to be back at camp before the morning" He said with a little sigh.

This was when the group left the room. The gaurds out the door were told the king had some issues to work with and was talking them over with his generals and was not to be bothered. This would give them a little heads start in getting away but he knew that was going to be short lived. As soon as the king is found dead they will be sought after.
~*~*~*~*~*~ ♥...If you will have me we shall be...♥~*~*~*~*~*~
~*~*~*~*~*~♥ ...Together forever and a day...♥ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Old Posted 03-16-2013, 12:01 AM Reply With Quote