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Default   #4   Rosekitten Rosekitten is offline
Thorns and Claws
"Whats wrong?" Felix finally asked seeing as Thalion seemed to be on edge, with good reason to be. He didn't answer the newly appointed officer as he just gave him a look like he needed to ask. He had said he had a bad feeling about this. Like over hearing some of the Eastern soldiers talking about such odd things. Though nothing that Felix of himself dared to breath a word of to their King. no this was a simple peace treaty or rather a try at one. This was suppose to settle all of the piety fighting across the lands between both kingdoms.

Suppose to was the word for it. The kings were to meet in the grand hall and have a small group accompanying them. Of course Felix and Thalion were hardly of the royal guard, they were just here to represent one of the small groups across the kingdom. Messengers more or less. The idea of being a messenger had Thalion on edge, there was enough tension in the air here to cut it with a knife.

Thalion was only here because Felix begged him to come. Otherwise he would say that he had no business. Not with the tensions with most races and his own. "Oh it's not that bad, we just have to deliver this message and be on our way.. your worrying too much again." Thalion shot Felix another glance as he crossed his arms. "And you don't worry nearly enough... We have-" He stopped as a guard from what seemed to be the other kingdom walked by. Once they were out of ear shot he went on. "We have no back up if something goes wrong, me and you are no better then mere commoners here and as such very disposable..."

Felix waved Thalion's warnings off saying he was a worry wort. "We'll be back home in no time. Gregor would hardly send us here with such a small group if he thought something was going to happen." Thalion hoped the over sized human was right. Though he still had a uneasy feeling. None the less he followed Felix and the two others that were with them. They were suppose to meet in the room with any of the other small groups as well as the two kings so all matters across the lands could be settled in one fell swoop. Just maybe not the type of settlement that most would have liked.

Gregor did have a lot of faith in sending Felix here though, he was sure that today would go flawlessly. Everything had pointed that the treaty would be signed and the lands would finally be at peace once more. A peace that had been unknown to these parts after the birth of the two kingdoms.

For now though it did seem things were going well. most of the smaller groups here would side with the Western King. So the thought that a attack would happen was hardly on anyone's mind. The numbers easily said the West would win. Though THalion had lived through a strike on a kingdom before and he swore this felt similar. The tension the other side. But he held his tongue all the same.

For the time being while the Kings were alone, save a few special guards, discussing the treaty the rest gathered today were in another room. Ah yes meet and greet... "You can talk you know." Felix said towards Thalion as he noticed how silent the normally sharp tongued Drow had been. "And open myself up for snide comments and questions of what my kind is doing here? No thanks." He had pretty poor thoughts towards most other races. Even humans though he had been with Gregor and his group for quite a few years now. Though he had all right to be a bit bitter towards most. "Besides thats your job as a officer, not mine. Last I checked I wasn't a officer... heck I'm not even a registered fighter."
Old Posted 03-15-2013, 11:26 PM Reply With Quote