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Default   #12   Kamikaze Chinchilla Kamikaze Chinchilla is offline
You know what you guys should do?

1) Destroy the pixelists by having them make more items >:D
2) Make a falafel raffle o_o. Ya know, everyone throws in a chunk of cash to buy tickets and the winner gets to eat a falafel that causes them to give birth to a dancing alien baby that no one else has. Cool, huh?
3) Make the site fake crash, and the next thing you know -BAM!- everyone has only 15% of their au left >:D ---That'll show 'em! YAAAAHHH!!! *battle cry*
4) [whisper] free..the..rainbows.. [/whisper]
5) Destroy the coders and force them to make more games >:D
6) Destroy the writers and force them to write one-liners >:D
7) Destroy the world, but before you do that you have to buy Kami all the marshmallows in the world...cuz of the roastingz...yah <3
8) Is any of this really relevant?
9) Make the layout more pretty-ful to attract more people...also try to add a scratch-n-sniff feature...cuz that's very awesome and you know it.
10) Only 10 dalmatians.

~an item brewery - updated 12/02~
Old Posted 12-01-2012, 03:11 AM Reply With Quote