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Default   #4   Espy Espy is offline
I'm just going to comment on the first one and the bots issue, since I am very tired.

The Crane Game is much to blame. And some of our past event games have been distributing commons and Aurum as well. As of right now it's possible to make 12,000 aurum a day per account because of The Crane Game and our New Event Game. Let me do the math for you.
300-3000 times (Per Account)+ 300 <-Rough Estimate) times (Plays per Hour)= ????
The most someone could make is 12,000 aurum a day! (Not including Posting, and Selling Event Currency.) Granted that you would have to been lucky to find 3 1000 aurums in the Crane Game. You can still earn up to 7200 if you play the Soul Reaper all day.
Ok. I used to be one of the most active members on Tris, but in case you haven't noticed recently, college has gotten the better of me. I have not touched the crane game for the past few WEEKS, and the Soul Reaper game for the past two days.

About the bots. Trust me. Each and every staffer has been trying their hardest to get rid of the bots. You have no idea how annoying those things are, and we're sorry if they tick you off, but really, we're trying to get them.

(You also have no idea how frustrating it is for me to tell you how much we're really trying to keep an eye out. We're not just letting them post, we're not turning a blind eye, but bots are not something to lose sleep, literally, over. If we don't see them at first, or if no staffer's online, SOMEONE will eventually get them. So please, please, please stop going on about the bots, everyone.)

Old Posted 12-01-2012, 02:26 AM Reply With Quote