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Default   #2   Ashy Ashy is offline
Be afraid.
That happened with my grandma(the cleanliness) as my grandad was going because she was spending too much time caring for him. If shes on medication you may need to get it changed, my mum does weird stuff like that when her meds get changed. Unfortunately youre going to have to step up until then to keep the house clean and throw out the food as it goes rotten, i know it sucks but ive been there myself with my mum when she goes through stages like this.

You may need to go with her when she does shopping too if shes buying the wrong things, the worst part of all this is that she will insist that shes sane. There are little tricks i use with my mum like "wait you said earlier that we need this instead of that", it makes it sound like shes still the one in control.
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Old Posted 10-17-2012, 08:03 PM Reply With Quote