Thread: Poetrysu o v o;
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Quiet Man Cometh Quiet Man Cometh is offline
We're all mad here.
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Microfiction and flashfiction are the same thing, more or less. It's fiction written on a very tiny level. Flash fiction on some websites is defined as any story under 1000 words, but it can be much smaller than that. One frequent exercise I've seen is to write a story in five sentences, that is, establish the setting, plot, beginning, middle, end, etc, all in that amount of space. In many cases the details are implied rather than stated but it's a challenge to do and I think fun.

In the few words you have up there you've already got something of a story. You have a setting (it's dark), characters (the speaker and the darkness) and a goal/motivation for the darkness.
Old Posted 10-09-2012, 12:15 AM Reply With Quote