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Default   #10   Natsunaine Natsunaine is offline
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lurker
After a long moment of silence while kimiko processed what was happening in her head she stood up, it was getting cold outside and she still had no idea what she was supposed to be doing. "I suppose you don't breathe fire to keep us both warm do you?" Kimiko giggled and patted Veemon, it was then she noticed that the strange creature was eyeing something along her arm.

"Kimiko what is that on your arm."My arm?Kimiko looked down at her wrist to see the many rubber bracelets that dangled off her arm, the ones you get with various words or phrases on them. "OH, those are my bracelets see?" Kimiko slipped a black and blue bracelet that said Friendship off her arm and waved it around as to show it off.

"OOH can i have one of those." Kimiko giggled and took Veemon by the hand and slipped it on his wrist. "There now its official we are friends" She giggled more than smiled being able to finally call someone a Friend. Veemon's cute eyes lit up as he smiled and hug tackled kimiko sending her falling to the ground gently You really mean it!! we are friends?"

Kimiko nodded sitting up holding her digimon in her arms. "Of course we are I don't see any other person around to be friends with do I?" It was then a cold breeze flew across Kimiko's neck, through all the events she had almost forgotten how cold she was, Kimiko stood up and place veemon on her back and began walking through the woods searching for fire wood. "OHH, Kimmy are we going to meet the other digidestined now?

Kimiko froze in mid walk,Other digidestined your kidding right? Im really not the only one? she let out a small happy scream that made her sound really girly, she almost wanted to smack herself for it. "There are others?!! Why didn't you tell me earlier Veemon" The digimon shrugged and laughed "I thought you already knew" Kimiko playfully smacked the digimons leg and proceed to gather a bunch of wood and find and open space to set up camp, maybe she could use this time to get to know Veemon more..

The area filled with smoke as the fire roared under kimiko's hands the heat filled the area as well as kimiko's body. "So, we have been brought here to fight some big evil guy?" Kimiko giggled "Sounds like fun to me but, how are you going to fight with your cuteness?" Veemon blushed and shook his head pointing at Kimiko's digivice "You can make me Digivolve, i will get alot stronger then" Digivolve huh? What a strange word i wonder how much stronger Veemon can get.

It was then the digivice started to Let off a high pitched beep, Kimiko picked it up and examined it it was almost like a map in the center was a black dot she assumed that was her and Veemon, and really close to them was a red dot.. This was really strange it was moving closer and closer... Who or what was it.. "Veemon, Do you know if the others are here yet or not?" Veemon nodded a few times smiling

"My friends Kokomon and Terriermon went to look for them when you guys got here." The names of the other digimon excited her, she was ready to meet some more of these wonderful creatures and she hoped they were as cute as Veemon.
"Cause I've been falling apart in the pouring rain"

"I'm waging war on myself. A captive causality"


"Traded a merciful heart for a murderer�s brain
But now I curse what's in my head
Because I can't stop seeing red"
Last edited by Natsunaine; 09-11-2012 at 12:23 PM.
Old Posted 09-11-2012, 12:20 PM Reply With Quote