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Asami Asami is offline
Rainbow Goddess
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After getting all my questions somewhat answered by kokomon, we set out to find the other digidestined and her brother, terriermon. While walking i thought over what kokomon had told me. This beautiful world was being destroyed by something evil and I had to protect it. I looked down at the digimon in my arms. I had to protect her as well. Some evil forces had started to take over the digital world and destroy it piece by piece. I was afraid but everytime I looked at kokomon I felt like I could defeat them. But then I started letting my fears get the better of me. How can I defeat anything? I was so small... just like kokomon.
"Kokomon, how can you fight if you're so small?" Worry took over. I didn't know if I could watch her fight.. shes so tiny.

"I grow bigger of course" She answered brightly. She didn't seem worriedat all.

"Bigger?" My imagination started running wild and I thought of a huge kokomon fighting off unknown foes.

"I digivolve! I haven't been able to digivolve to my next stage though... that's what I need you for! You help me become stronger."

"So you can turn into a totally different digimon and you need me for it?" Here I was again, getting confused.

"yes! But I'm still the same digimon, on the inside. And ill always be your friend no matter what."
I guess this made sense in that you've entered a new world and everything is crazy sort of way. I wondered what kind of digimon kokomon would digivolve to. Probably something really tough. I looked at my digivice again. We were still headed in the right direction but where we were headed? I wouldn't know.

Soon I told kokomon I had to rest. We had been traveling for what seemed like hours. I sat on the ground and watched kokomon eat one of my chocolate bars. I wonder if digimon are like dogs and get sick when they eat chocolate.. there is just so much I didn't know. My stomach started to growl and with a jolt of panic I remembered I didn't have any food besides a few candy bars. okay lily. Your brother was a scout. He taught you how to survive in the wilderness the problem was this wilderness was totally different from the one I learned about. And how would I cook anything without a fire? Man... I needed to find the other digidestined fast. Without them, I wouldn't survive.

"So what happens if I dont find them?" Worry clouded my thoughts all together.

"You'll find them. Dont worry lily. i believe in you!" she seemed to really trust me and believe I was making the right decisions.. why couldn't I believe myself the way she believed in me? My stomach growled once more and I grabbed another chocolate bar from my pocket. Hoping it would placate my stomach for the moment. I will find the other digidestined. I thought adamantly. I just have to.

I waited for kokomon to finish her chocolate bar before setting off again. I picked her up and headed in the same direction we had been going towards. Yet again I wondered if I was headed towards the others or to my doom. I hoped they were close. This was just to foreign and weird for me. Even with kokomon I was starting to feel lonely...I wondered if my family knew I was missing and if they sent a search party to find me even if they did.. they would never find me.. I sighed a little and erased that thought from my mind. I couldn't afford to think those things. I had to be brave and happy for kokomon.

My digivice started to beep. I must be getting close to someone. I heard a rustle to my right in the bushes. curiosity got the better of me and i went to investigate. When I got closer to the bush another digimon jumped out. This one looked mad.

"oh no Lily! That's a Neumemon!Before I could do or say anything, kokomon jumped out of my arms and tackled the digimon.
"ouch! Now I'm Even angrier! It threw something that oddly resembled poop

"Watch out!" but even as i was saying this kokomon jumped out of the way.

"Double Bubble!" Kokomon shot bubbles at the neumemon and it hit him but it seemed to not affect it. oh no... no nononono no no... kokomon... you have to digivolve.
As soon as I thought this my digivice lit up so did kokomon.

"Kokomon Digivolve To!!! ..... Lopmon!"The cutest brown bunny stood where kokomon just was.
"l-l-lopmon???" is this what she digivolved to? While i marveled the battle was still going on.

"Blazing Ice!" Before i knew it the neumemon was running away muttering obscenities and the bunny was running towards me. It jumped into my arms and wrapped its ears around me in a sort of hug.
"so.. youre lopmon now?" She nodded. "You were so cool out there" I broke into a wide smile. I had the coolest digimon ever. I was so lucky.

my closet
Dark is my puppyi luff hermes<3
Last edited by Asami; 09-11-2012 at 11:54 AM.
Old Posted 09-11-2012, 11:11 AM Reply With Quote