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Default   #156   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Being caught off guard and suddenly being slammed into by a person she had no idea what had happened but she did change into her fox form blue eyes wide as she had no idea what was happening losing her swords and pouch to the ground, Kanon started to panic some as she wiggled under the person trying to get to them as her ears flickered hearing another sound it was quick pace as if someone was running this way. Finally getting some thought back, she looked up at the other seeing it was person who had ran into her. "Who are you!" she yelled, trying as she continued wiggle under them to gather the swords and pouch, still listening to the other who was getting closer.

I am the manry-est of men!

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Last edited by NikkoGallarado; 09-10-2012 at 08:52 PM.
Old Posted 09-10-2012, 08:45 PM Reply With Quote